Thursday, September 25, 2008

How to Catch Fruit Flies

Everyone knows what happens when no one eats the bananas, oranges, apples and plums we leave out on the counter to encourage our kids to eat wake up and the kitchen is full of fruit flies. I could not get mine to go away after throwing things out, buying a new trash can and wiping down my 30 year old cabinets. So after a quick Google search and a few household supplies I caught every last one of them. Here is how you do it:

Pour about 1/2 a cup of balsamic vinegar or any other sweet liquid into a large shallow bowl---think "what would a fruit fly like" even a few pieces of fruit would work. Cover very very tightly with plastic wrap making sure it is completely covered. Poke 10-15 holes with a toothpick and set out on the counter. Come back later to a bowl full of drowning fruit flies. They fly in but are not smart enough to fly out. Worked like a charm.

I'm thinking 4th grade science fair with this one!!!


The Waters Family said...

very cool- very gross

Lindsay said...

We had that problem after we got back from vacation this summer. I am just as genius as you and I googled it too! We used a water bottle and taped around the opening so it was smaller and they couldn't get out either! So smart, you are!!